What is a Healthy House?

A healthy house does not work against you, it supports you and your family. Better air quality results in fewer respiratory problems. A healthy house is energy efficient, conserves water, has a low impact on the environment, and is “Simply, A Better Built House.”

4 Essentials Components of a Healthy House

    • Healthy Air
    • Energy Efficiency
    • Water Efficiency
    • Earth Conscious


 Healthy Air

“Improved air quality means you’ll simply feel better.”

      • healthy air creates a more comfortable living environment
      • building materials are less toxic and more environmentally friendly for children, adults and pets alike
      • building materials used in the construction of your home positively impact your home’s air quality, hvac efficiency and living space



Energy Efficient

“We craft energy efficient homes using green building standards.”

      • air sealing and advanced insulation mean less moisture trapped in the crevices
      • high efficiency heating and cooling means your home stays cooler in summer and warmer in winte
      • energy efficient appliances mean lower utility bills


Water Efficient

“Better built houses offer financial benefits too.”

      • low flow faucets and toilets reduce water usage while keeping water pressure
      • Energy Star dishwashers use less water and conserve energy
      • xeric landscaping reduces lawn water usage


Earth Conscious

“A healthy house has a lower impact on the environment.”

        • we plan around mature trees, keeping them intact around your new home
        • we recycle construction waste
        • we use high grade engineered wood for strong houses with less wood waste

“It’s not a magic bullet solution, it’s a process solution.” – Dennis McConnell, Builder

Healthy House of Georgia
Simply a Better Built House.